Sunday, October 24, 2010

Perspectives On Kashmir

As of now, there are two main perspectives on the conflict in Kashmir. There is the perspective of the Kashmiri people who want to break away from Indian rule and there is the perspective of the Indian government and very few Kashmiris who want to hold onto Kashmir and find a resolution. The Kashmiri people who insist on breaking away from India have dealt with much grief recently. Not only have they not been able to practice their religion in certain places but they have been suffering much abuse from the Indian police.For the past months, crime from the Indian police has included killings, rapes, and beatings. Because of this, anger has risen among the Kashmiris. These Kashmiris are hoping that they will somehow be able to, either through rebellion, the Indian government, or the Pakistani government, break away from India and join Pakistan.The Pakistani government may be their greatest help considering they want Indian Kashmir, as we have seen in the past. But the perspective of the Indian government is much different. In no way are they willing to give up their part of Kashmir. So far the Indian government has only come up with one solution and that was forming a committee to figure out how to create jobs for the 600,000 unemployed Kashmiris. Still there has been no main solution to end the anger and violence in Kashmir.

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